Wednesday, January 4, 2012

3 added to football staff

The 49ers announced the hiring of three assistant football coaches today -- Phil Ratliff (offensive line, recruiting coordinator), Napolean Sykes (linebackers) and Joe Tereshinski (inside receivers).

Ratliff confirmed his hiring to The Observer in December. He's a former tight ends coach at Marshall and James Madison who will be in charge of Charlotte's recruiting. He was a player at Marshall when 49ers head coach Brad Lambert was a Thundering Herd assistant.

Sykes, a linebacker at Wake Forest under Lambert, has been at Navy the past two seasons, coaching the Midshipmen's outside linebackers and secondary. He also coached one year at Charlotte's Mallard Creek High. Tereshinski, a former Georgia quarterback, has been a graduate assistant at Wake Forest since 2009.

Ratliff, Sykes and Tereshinski join a 49ers coaching staff that already includes offensive coordinator Jeff Mullen, defensive coordinator Bruce Tall and secondary coach James Adams. Here's what Lambert had to say about the three newcomers:


“He played for us at Marshall and he was a very intense player. He will bring that intensity to the offensive line. He’s coached at all levels: high school, FBS, FCS. He’s recruited the Charlotte area in particular for a number of years and that’s very important to us. The other thing we love is he’ll do a great job with the guys, handling the players and do a great job representing our university with his integrity and character and the type of guy he is.”


“We recruited Napolean to Wake and he played linebacker and he’s one of those guys – like James Adams – that sat in my office and he knows how we want the players treated. I saw him as a coach and a player and how he relates to players. He coached high school ball in Charlotte so he brings a lot to the table because of his coaching experience in Charlotte. He’ll do a phenomenal job coaching our linebackers.”


“Joe comes from a long line of football players – he’s been around the game his whole life. I got to know him when I was at Georgia. I coached with his father and had a chance to recruit and coach his brother John. Joe’s a high-character guy. (After graduation) he got into the business world – but he knows what he really wants to do. His passion really is football. He knows that and that’s exciting for me. I had a chance to work with him at Wake. He has a great wealth of knowledge offensively. He played quarterback at the highest level and can bring a great perspective for our receivers from a quarterback’s standpoint. He’ll be a great asset to our wideouts because he knows what the quarterback’s thinking. He has great contacts and relationships and knowledge in the Georgia area and he will represent Charlotte in first class manner.”


Anonymous said...

Akron hired Terry Bowden and Chuck Amato. Now that is a football staff!!!!

UNCc continues to be mickey mouse.

Anonymous said...

The only mickey mouse here is this poster...

Anonymous said...

never heard of any of these scurbs. UNCC athletics are a joke.

Anonymous said...

Scurbs? I think you and the first poster are the only jokes here.

Did you haters really want Chuck the Chest here? I certainly didn't. Akron can have him. Having spent his whole coaching career in Florida and NC, the winters in Akron will freeze his man-boobs off.

I suppose it is to be expected that the coach of a new program would hire his friends as assistant coaches. That's fine, as long as they can coach, and if they can't, that the coach will be able to look past their personal relationship and replace them.

I'm going to look on the bright side. Lambert and all the assistants he has hired so far are extremely high-energy guys, which is a good asset to have in recruiting. I hope they can translate that energy into good players and wins on the field.


Anonymous said...

Don't know any of these scrubs? Then you don't know the ins and outs of the college football ranks. Also...when Bowling Green State hired Urban Meyer for his first head coaching job he was also a "scrub."

Anonymous said...

I HATE SCURBS, I once had them in the 2nd grade and man did they itch!!! Why is UNCC hiring SCURBS?

Anonymous said...

Sykes is a players coach. Guys will run through a brick wall for him. The trick is to give all these guys time. Starting a program will take some time and they won't win right away. The thing to look for the first year or two is the fight and the competative drive. That will let you knw the coaches are doing their jobs.

49RFBN said...

Anon 7:48

It's spelled SCRUBS, not SCURBS. Perhaps you'd know that if you had attended an English Class at UNC Charlotte.

Anonymous said...

The guy mispelling "scrubs" has to be a fan of unc-chapel hill or a grad of App State. It is so typical.

Anonymous said...

We dont want retreads!
We want unproven no names that want to build a reputation. Its working out great for our basketball program!

Anonymous said...

To Anon @11:19: compare UNCC's avg. SAT scores with App State and most particularly UNC's. Get back with us.

Anonymous said...

UNC Concord is a joke compared to App and especially UNC. I'm talking about academics and sports. I'm not sure why that guy randomly called out those two schools. Inferiority complex much?

Anonymous said...

Good job, keep filling in the staff. Looking forward to it. To those that quote SAT scores, pat yourself on the back. You went to a great school! Why are you commenting on this board? Nothing going on at your prestigious University worth talking about I guess? Who's inferior now? Those that rip on others should look in the mirror at themselves and ask themselves why am I so angry? Yes, I am a UNC Charlotte graduate and yes I make six figures, thanks for your concern....Go Niners!!!

49RFBN said...

It's said that the more enemies you have the more important you are. Great to see that the Niners are very important to you haters.

Anon 10:37 there's a 20 to 40 point difference between App and Charlotte on SAT's. That's great for App and all but it's not huge. Charlotte accepts 71% of applicants while App accepts 68%, again not huge. Having 9000 less students, App should have slightly higher standards.

Anonymous said...

To Anon 11-19. If App State is such a great school, then why is it that in News Week Magazine and all the other academic journals, UNC-Charlotte outranks App State. At least in News Week, Charlotte is in the Top National universities. Where is App State at? Oh yeah , they're in the top regional university. Also, with the exception of football, UNC-Charlotte usually mops the floor with that school in all of their other sports.

Anonymous said...

To begin, call me when either App State or UNC-CH get an Engineering program. Also - if you are so informed and know the in's and out's of higher education you would know that focus on SAT scores is becoming more and more limited. For example, Wake Forest (a high quality NC institution) no longer requires SAT scores for their applications. This trend is growing.

However, if we want to play that game - App State deserves the SAT jump through the increase in applicants, which has been directly related to their national title's in football. It's done wonders for both their academics and football. That's great for them and I'm happy for their institution and alums. Charlotte, naturally, would like all of that as well. UNC-CH is a class institution and should be where it is given it's age.

Nonetheless, as a Charlotte alum I am proud to be part of something new and growing. It's served me very well and given me opportunities I doubt I would have had at one of the other institutions. This is also why I'm excited both about this football program and this new staff. It's an exciting time to be a Charlotte 49er.

Looking forward to 2013! Go NINERS!

Anonymous said...

9:45 troll: We beat another Top 50 team, this time on the road. Suck it.