Friday, June 20, 2008

Summer Pro-Am is underway

The Mecklenburg Parks and Recreation Summer Hoops pro-am league - formerly known as the Jeff McGinnis Summer League - is underway and once again several current and new members of the Charlotte 49ers basketball team are participating.
Five members -- junior Phil Jones, junior transfers Shamari Spears and Rashad Coleman, sophomore An'Juan Wilderness and freshman Shamarr Bowden -- are all scheduled to play on the Pepsi Team and will see action for the first time at 6:30 p.m. Monday.
Senior forward Charlie Coley is scheduled to play on the Rosemaxx Team and his next game is Tuesday at 8:30 p.m.
Junior point guard DiJuan Harris and sophomore forward Gaby Ngoundjo are playing for the Los Allstars Team and play again at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday. Finally, sophomore Charles Dewhurst and redshirt freshman Javarris Barnett play for John P. Kee and play again at 9:30 p.m. Tuesday.
As last year, all games are free and played at the Grady Cole Center. Playoff games begin August 5.
Several other local college stars are playing this summer, including Davidson's Stephen Curry (BTTB team), Wake Forest's Jamie Skeen (PCS team) and Washington Wizards player (and former North Carolina star) Brandon Haywood on Cube On team.

Here is the remaining summer league schedule:
Monday: 6:30, Pepsi v. MC Allstars; 7:30, JCSU v. Prime Time; 8:30, McNasty v. CLI; 9:30, Skillz Athletics v. Bring It On.
Tuesday: 6:30, PCS v. BTTB; 7:30, Titus Ivory v. Los Allstars; 8:30, Rosemaxx v. USC Aiken; 9:30, John P Kee v. Cube One.
Wednesday: 6:30, CLI v. MC Allstars; 7:30, Pepsi v. Skillz Athletics; 8:30, Bring It On v. Prime Time; 9:30, McNasty v. JCSU.
Thursday: 6:30, BTTB v. Rosemaxx; 7:30, Los Allstars v. John P Kee; 8:30, PCS v. Titus Ivory; 9:30, Cube One v. USC Aiken.
June 30: 6:30, Prime Time v. MC Allstars; 7:30, CLI v. Pepsi; 8:30, McNasty v. Skillz Athletics; 9:30, JCSU v. Bring It On.
July 1: 6:30, John P Kee v. BTTB; 7:30, Cube One v. PCS; 8:30, USC Aiken v. Los Allstars; 9:30, Titus Ivory v. Rosemaxx.
July 2: 6:30, McNasty v. MC Allstars; 7:30, Pepsi v. Prime Time; 8:30, JCSU v. Skillz Athletics; 9:30, Bring It On v. CLI.
July 3: 6:30, Titus Ivory v. Cube One; 7:30, John P Kee v. Rosemaxx; 8:30, Los Allstars v. BTTB; 9:30, USC Aiken v . PCS.
July 7: 6:30, CLI v. Rosemaxx; 7:30, John P Kee v. Prime Time; 8:30, PCS v. McNasty; 9:30, Pepsi v. Los Allstars.
July 8: 6:30, JCSU v. BTTB; 7:30, PCS v. Los Allstars; 8:30, Rosemaxx v. Cube One; 9:30, John P Kee v. USC Aiken.
July 9: 6:30, Pepsi v. Bring It On; 7:30, MC Allstars v. JCSU; 8:30, McNasty v. CLI; 9:30, Skillz Athletics v. Prime Time.
July 10, 6:30, John P Kee v. PCS; 7:30, Rosemaxx v. Los Allstars; 8:30, BTTB v. Titus Ivory; 9:30, USC Aiken v. Cube One.
July 14, 6:30, John P Kee v. Pepsi; 7:30, CLI v. Los Allstars; 8:30, PCS v. Prime Time; 9:30, Rosemaxx v. McNasty.
July 15: 6:30, Cube One v. Skillz Athletics; 7:30, BTTB v. Pepsi; 8:30, Bring It On v. USC Aiken; 9:30, Rosemaxx v. JCSU.
July 16: 6:30, Prime Time v. Titus Ivory; 7:30, CLI v. John P Kee; 8:30, PCS v. MC Allstars; 9:30, McNasty v. Los Allstars.
July 17: 6:30, Old Timers Game; 7:30, Alumni Challenge; 8:30, Overseas Challnege; 9:30, College players challenge.
July 21: 6:30, John P Kee v. McNasty; 7:30, PCS v. CLI; 8:30, Rosemaxx v. Prime Time; 9:30, Pepsi v. Cube One.
July 22: 6:30, Skillz Athletics v. Los Allstars; 7:30, Bring It On v. BTTB; 8:30, MC Allstars v. Titus Ivory; 9:30, USC Aiken v. JCSU.
July 23: 6:30, Rosemaxx v. Pepsi; 7:30, McNasty v. Titus Ivory; 8:30, John P Kee v. Bring It On; 9:30, USC Aiken v. CLI.
July 24: 6:30, Los Allstars v. Prime Time; 7:30, Cube One v. JCSU; 8:30, PCS v. Skillz Athletics; 9:30, BTTB v. MC Allstars.
July 30: 6:30, Bring It On v. Cube One; 7:30, BTTB v. Skillz Athletics; 8:30, Titus Ivory v. JCSU; 9:30, USC Aiken v. MC Allstars.
July 31: 6:30, BTTB v. JCSU; 7:30, Cube One v. MC Allstars; 8:30, Bring It On v. Titus Ivory; 9:30, Skillz Athletics v. USC Aiken.
Aug. 4: 6:30, Pepsi v. Titus Ivory; 7:30, Bring It On v. MC Allstars; 8:30, CLI v. Skillz Athletics; 9:30, McNasty v. Prime Time.


Anonymous said...

I hope Dewhurst becomes Does Hurst and takes to the "White Chocolate" nickname. Three 49ers tole me at a recent clinic that he is the most talented basketball player onn the team. If his confidence catches up, he will be fun to watch.